Sunday, May 4, 2008

Valentine's Day

Hey there!

So I know that it's a little bit late for this, but better now then never right?! Well, we've finally got a laptop back that we can download our pictures onto, so we wanted to do a couple posts of the things we've been doing over the past few months!

Our Valentine's celebration started the weekend prior to the 14th and we had a romantic theme dinner! Ratitouille, salad, and sparkling cider baby!

After learning how to make Ratitouille on the Rachel Ray show, I went and rented the exotic film from Red Box and we made a night of it! It was so fun to chop and roast all the vegetables and pasta together. Plus even though we halfed the recipe, we had enough Ratitouille leftover for Kelv's lunches the rest of the week! It also made a terrific mess of the oven!

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