Thursday, October 22, 2009

Little Update

First, Camden has learned to crawl!

Yes, we officially had to really get down and baby proof the house.

Camden has also enjoyed trying on different hats of sorts!

And he's enjoying reading more and more everyday too!
What a wonderful life!


Emily said...

his little crawl is so cute! What a sweet little guy! We're going to have to really baby proof soon too. Max gets up on his knees, any day now he's going to take off!

Gaskin Girl said...

What a cutie! I just love his big smile. What a happy kid! Yay for crawling (I think it's more of a sweet thing than a sour thing) and books!

TC said...

LOVE LOVE LOVE these pictures! Thanks so much for documenting all his cuteness. I so wish I could be there in person but you are making it bearable with these posts. THANKS!!!