Thursday, September 10, 2009

Adventures in Canning

So like last year, my parents were generous enough to let us have some grapes to can grape juice!

Hooray! Grape Juice IS Delicious!

Well, everything was going well, and having already done the process once before, things were going much more smoothly than last year. Until.... the jars started to cool.

I was sitting in the living room working on the computer while Camden was napping, when I hear this "POP!" sound from the kitchen.

I knew this wasn't "the sound of success" that you get from a properly sealed lid since I had the jars tipped upside down. Tipping them upside down with the hot juice helps them seal without having to process them. Anyway, so I get up to see what has happened, and this is what I saw.

I don't know if you can tell well from the pictures, but my GLASS jar had caved in! I couldn't believe it! I quickly called my husband, mom, and dad to consult what I should do, or if they had ever had that happen to them. Dumbfounded my parents just couldn't believe that happened and in all their years of canning foods, had NEVER had that happen. My dad thought it was possibly a weakness in the glass and that once the juice had cooled, I should get the juice out of there and not use that jar in case it imploded some more. Crazy huh?!

Well, to wrap this up, do not fret, because it didn't implode. And we can happily announce that we will be enjoying 32 quarts of grape juice this year!

1 comment:

Erin said...

Alene, that is crazy about the jar.