Thursday, May 15, 2008

Anniverary Celebration

Although our anniversary was a few weeks ago, we have been so busy we couldn't find a good time to do anything together for a couple weeks. Sooooo, yesterday we had a belated 1st anniversary celebration appropriately at... the Anniversary Inn! It was so much fun!

We stayed in the Swiss Family Robinson room (since I have always loved that movie) which meant we got to sleep in a tree!!! Plus take our mornings showers under a rock waterfall... AND dance under the tree limbs to the light of a fish tank! Pretty sweet!! It was especially just a nice chance to be together and just have a fun time. We've both been so busy with work lately AND with our schedules not matching as much anymore, it was just nice to get away!

*I just wish these pictures did the room justice!! It was incredible!

Plus... the true highlight of the trip was the car we passed on our way there! :-D


Chris said...

sweet!! glad you had fun!!

Vicky said...

Paul here.

Isn't that wiener-mobile is the coolest huh?! I saw that sweet hot dog ride up in Bangor, Maine a few years ago. Looks like it really gets around.

Paul out.

Shawnanana said...

Congrats on ur anniversary! Looks like a sweet place to go! :)