Tuesday, September 29, 2009


So a few months back we posted about how Camden got a new Jumperoo. At the time, he couldn't even reach the floor or move enough to activate any of the features at all!

But now, we've even had to raise it up a setting he's gotten so tall and whenever he's in it, he can't help but activate EVERYTHING--Including a big grin from both himself and his parents!

We also took Camden on his first plane ride! For being the tired boy he was, missing his nap time before the flight and all, he did very very well. He only got upset as we were just starting our decent into Boise, and I was able to hold him and rock him to sleep, so that was wonderful. He just loved everything about the plane!

1 comment:

Lisa said...

Jonathan LOVED his jumperoo!! He started to even jump when he was out of it--we could barely hold him :)