Sunday, March 1, 2009

One Week Old!

Ok... So here are some more cute flicks! I sure love our little man!

Don't you wish you were this happy at 4 in the morning too!?! :-D

Another Daddy/Camden shot that I just love! He had the hiccups pretty bad here... so cute!

One of the nurses (Auntie Carol) with whom I work in the NICU crocheted this for Camden months ago! She put little airplane buttons on it because she thinks he'll go places in life! Carol is the "baby whisperer" at work. Thanks Carol!

Inspired by what my siblings (Paul and Vicky) did with their son Benjamin, we're going to try and visually keep track of how much Camden grows each week by comparing him to the squares on our rug and his teddy bear.


Chris said...

He is such a beautiful boy!! Congratulations!

Vicky said...

That's a great idea to use something to compare his growth to. We wish we had done that. We also wished we had just done diaper shots so it was easier to see his changing baby body.

We're so excited to finally meet him!